10 Ways Bots Can Surprise And Delight Your Customers
There’s a lot of buzz lately that bots are the new apps, and that they represent the next paradigm shift in marketing technology.
There’s a lot of buzz lately that bots are the new apps, and that they represent the next paradigm shift in marketing technology. While it’s too early to tell signal from noise, it’s clear that the early developments surrounding bots are unleashing a wave of innovation for brands.
Bots are already delivering surprise and delight in new ways. The low-hanging fruit, I found, is customer service. But from there, bots may soon address a wider range of consumer needs — by anticipating them through service integration and personalization. A retailer bot may suggest birthday gifts for your loved ones weeks in advance. A movie bot will find you tickets and also arrange a ride to the theater for you. Even if low-hanging, customer service is critical and it is the branch from which bots can elevate a brand even higher.
I spoke with more than a dozen executives to learn what bot implementations hold the most promise. Here are 10 ways that bots can help brands and marketers better connect with their customers, drawn from what I learned.
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