We write for Forbes about having confidence in your data
In her recent Forbes article, our CEO Rebecca Brooks urges companies to have confidence in data-driven decision-making, moving away from the uncertainty that still lingers from the pandemic. In the piece, titled “How Businesses Can Overcome Doubt And Embrace Data-Driven Confidence“, she outlines some of the best practices and actionable steps business leaders can use to start moving forward and embracing the future.
She writes about the current state of affairs, noting that despite positive economic indicators, a prevailing sense of fear and pessimism persists, impacting business decisions and hindering progress. This hesitancy is evident in actions such as travel moratoriums and budget freezes, even in the face of data suggesting otherwise. Rebecca notes that we’ve seen this trend firsthand, with clients expressing hesitancy despite robust data presented to them.
However, research data remains indispensable for understanding customers and markets, forming the foundation for successful business strategies. Rebecca writes that there are several topics to explore to help shift the current mindset, including focusing on data quality, especially for market research projects. Then when the data does come in, stakeholders can trust it to be accurate to “use as the basis for decision making.”
She says “It’s time to invest in your business, and not just invest in AI – which recently seems to be the only focus of new investment and energy…there are innovations and growth opportunities happening outside of AI, believe it or not. Explore them – now is the right time.” Lastly, Rebecca notes that business leaders must act decisively in order to stay competitive.
After giving an example of how this approach has been successful in real life with our clients, she concludes the article with: “As uncertainty continues to cloud our judgment, the antidote lies in the clarity of data-driven decisions. As we navigate today’s complexities, let’s embrace the power of trustworthy data, seizing opportunities and shaping the future with confidence and clarity. Inaction typically leads to regret. Decisive action, grounded in reliable insights and data, provides the best path to success.”
For the complete article, visit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2024/03/08/how-businesses-can-overcome-doubt-and-embrace-data-driven-confidence/?sh=51c4ea2021ef
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