We write about the power of adaptive media research for Forbes
In a rapidly evolving shopping landscape, brands need to deeply understand consumer preferences and motivations so they can connect with their audiences. Our CEO Rebecca Brooks writes for Forbes about how the right approach to market research plays a crucial role in uncovering valuable insights in today’s dynamic marketplace.
Rebecca covers an approach that Alter Agents calls “adaptive media research”, which can be a game-changer for marketers and advertisers seeking real-time insights in a complex digital environment. She highlights the decline in brand loyalty and the rise of shopper promiscuity, which creates an environment where brands must continuously earn every purchase and re-engage customers repeatedly. “Advertising and other branded content need to do more than simply reinforce messaging to compel consumers to actively make a choice each time they shop.”
Garnering the right insights to create this content is difficult as some traditional measurement approaches are no longer viable due to the ever-more-stringent data landscape and increasing privacy regulations. Marketers face challenges in attributing ad exposure to specific actions, limiting their ability to optimize future efforts and measure return on ad spend. Rebecca says that an adaptive approach to media research can help. “In our research for leading brands, we’ve seen that by blending multiple methodologies and data sources, we are able to deliver insights that can bridge knowledge gaps. By employing a multi-modal, adaptive design, we can analyze both attitudinal and behavioral results across channels to determine the effect of context for creative receptivity and brand lift.”
The techniques and methodologies that can be employed with this approach vary widely, depending on client needs. In the article, Rebecca mentions quantitative, qualitative and agile neuroscience as a few examples. She acknowledges that every project is unique, and that “Success lies in knowing which approaches are available in the research toolkit, conducting careful upfront planning and building in flexibility from the start.”
Leveraging adaptive media research techniques builds a solid foundation of audience understanding, giving marketers the data needed to optimize their content and outreach strategies accordingly. The right consumer insights will allow brands to forge stronger connections, increase customer engagement, and ultimately boost business growth.
The complete article is here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2023/07/13/adaptive-media-research-a-powerful-tool-in-todays-shopping-landscape/?sh=3f6f795e655b
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