What does a new focus on privacy mean for marketers? We address on MediaPost’s blog.
Concerns about privacy and security of personal data are on the rise, becoming even more apparent recently as Apple announced several new upcoming changes to its operating system. Ranging from a single login to reduce personal data collection to removing the ability for app developers to access certain user information, the changes are significant. We expect to see more of the same from major brands, and it will shift the way marketers operate.
Our CEO, Rebecca Brooks, writes more about this topic in her most recent article on MediaPost, called “Time to get ready for rising consumer privacy demands.” As marketers are forced to operate in an environment with added layers of consumer privacy, they plan ahead to find new ways to garner the data they need. She writes: “Just like many of the “symptoms” of greater technology adoption, consumer demands and some companies’ willingness to meet these demands – are creating an ever-widening divide between marketers and their target audiences.”
She recommends that those in marketing get ready by conducting some basic steps:
- Understand the guidelines and regulations that are already in place, such as GDPR and California’s Privacy Protection Act, and know that these will likely be expanding soon.
- Explore new technology that is beginning to lay “the foundation for consumers to have more control over their own data and experiences.”
- Create messaging and approaches for your internal and external audiences that shows privacy is a priority for you.
She concludes: “So while consumers may love the added privacy and security, challenges remain for marketers.” Taking the steps to prepare can mean the difference between success and failure in today’s fast-paced marketing ecosystem.
For the full article, visit: https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/337818/time-to-get-ready-for-rising-consumer-privacy-dema.html
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